Finished the Philadelphia chapter. Thanks to my rejiggered schedule, I'm only a day late, instead of eight days. Who says I'm not creative? Came together pretty well; ended it by citing some work from the good folks at
Econsult Corporation, who gave a thumbs up to murals as a way to help jazz up commercial districts. The murals that the Philadelphia Mural Arts do are generally more traditional than what say, the
TatsCru does in the South Bronx, but really, when you start trying to separate different styles of art into "good" and "bad," I feel like it's trying to pick your favorite blade of grass from the lawn—it's a pointless exercise.
Next up, I plan to highlight the work of the New York Department of Transportation's
Urban Arts Program and
Groundswell, whose work in New York is similar to the Philly Mural Arts. It's crazy, I can almost see the end in sight.
Oh, and just because Blogger tells you see these things in the admin panel, hello to whoever is reading this blog from Russia! Thanks for checking in!
Finally, remember
Espo, the guy who did the
Love Train in Philadelphia? You can also find his work in New York City, right in downtown Brooklyn.

Neat, right?
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